9.00am Woke up thinking somebody robbed our desktop computer and kidnapped my brother. Turns out my brother took the entire computer system with him to his friend's place in Eastwood so he could type his thesis... Just realized how pointless it was to get him a laptop in the future if he's able to easily make our desktop computer quite portable.
10.00am Still in bed. Bummed that I won't be able to watch a live coverage of the Royal Wedding. No internet. No computer.
10.30am Contemplated doing the dishes and throwing out the trash. Nah. Maybe later. Still in bed.
11.00am WHY IS IT BLAZING HOT???! Can't move coz of menstrual cramps. URGH. Forced myself to walk anyway. Got out and grabbed breakfast. Omelette and strawberry banana oatmeal.
12.00pm Took a loooooooong shower to fend off the scorching summer heat. My sister exclaims that the heat wave is more effective than our hair dryer.
12.40pm Switch electric fan and sit in front of it. Should I do the dishes now? They've been in the sink for more than 24 hours. Ugh. Too muggy and still cramping. Dishes can wait.
01.00 Exhausted from the heat. Sanity still intact even with no internet or music. Would text friends just to kill time.
01.15pm Stare into space. Convert oxygen to carbon dioxide.
01.30pm Found my book "The Night of The Living Twisted" by the neurotic and brilliant Jessica Zafra. Reread, reread, reread. Also reread Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements." Realized what such polar opposites these books are.
02.00pm Stare into space.
04.30pm Woke up. Just realized I've fallen asleep. Surprisingly refreshed. Decided to do the friggin' dishes and throw out the trash.Still bummed not able to watch the Royal Wedding.
On the lighter note, Congratulations to Prince William and Kate!
I do not own this photo. :)