He asked me if I could be his co-emcee- more technically, his partner- at his cousin's wedding on October. In Tagaytay.
I'm like "wooooww."
I said yes for some specific reasons:
- It's at Tagaytay for God's sakes!! TAGAYTAY!
- Weddings, more often than not, have awesome food and cute waiters.
- They can give me free accommodations plus they're willing to pay for my talent fee
- I'm not a big believer of marriage, but weddings give me a reason to dress up, look pretty and PIG OUT.
He asked me how much my talent fee is. I told him I'm thinking of giving them a discount or maybe just pay me in kind. Pucca's all, " 'wag lang kiss!"
Um... I beat him up with my notebook.
After I said yes and we parted ways, that's when my head started spinning. I mean- REALLY? Did I just agree to be a co-emcee at an event where I barely know anyone except for Pucca? And a WEDDING at that, full of Pucca's family members and relatives??
I confided to my friend Wapwap that I feel like I've been tricked to being Pucca's plus-one at the wedding and disguising it as a co-emcee thing to save face. Wapwap's all, "He promised you cake, and you know what they say about cakes."
"Uhh, what do they say about cakes?"
"The cake is a lie! The cake is a liiiiiiieee!!!"
In other words... yeah, he wanted me as his plus-one I guess. Doesn't make sense though. People who emcee at weddings are usually the couple's family members and relatives. Pucca and I aren't close! I mean, we only see each other twice a week for History class and we're just groupmates for the last weekend's project endeavor.His laugh still brings down the house though. TROLOLOL.
Right now, I'm avoiding wondering why he asked ME to join him at his cousin's wedding or it would be a headache of sorts. So when I tell my friends about it they're all, "why d'you think he asked you to the wedding?"
The answer is, "I don't care! It's in friggin' TAGAYTAY for god's sake!"
Still paranoid,
Awkward Turtle
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