WHY is he so incredibly.... HNGGGGNHH.
Yeah, I was just a tad nervous when we met up at the back of the school. I was expecting him to be in his suit and tie (because of his course), and instead, he still looked amazingly gorgeous in shirt, jeans, and jacket (it was raining). OMGOMGOMG. It is so rare for me to find a guy who'll look equally amazing in suit and tie and casual jeans. He is quite tall with broad shoulders. And his glasses just give him that impression of a geek. And anyone who's close to me knows my preference for geeks.
And his eyes.
What I would kill just to stare at those adorable eyes that light up just at a sight of a good friend or an acquaintance. They practically sparkle.So when he saw me, he made beso. And he asked me where Spam was.
So I told him that I was gonna meet up with Spam at the other building and he said he'll tag along. It was raining so he asked me if I was gonna walk. I wanted to walk the way, even when it's drizzling, but I didn't know if HE wanted to. My mind was friggin' racing. Walk? Pedicab? School shuttle? Helicopter?? Why am I even thinking about it???
So I told him I prefer to walk. So we walked. And he chatted the whole way. He told me about his epic fail date: there's this girl he asked out to the movies (a girl he took his graduation ball in high school) and he told me he only asked her out because he was SO desperate to watch the latest sequel of Pirates of The Carribean coz his siblings have been talking about it.
So he and his friend met up. And then the girl was like, "my mom wants to see you" and he was like, "okay." Nothing strange about it. Mom probably just wants to grill him or something. THEN it turns out the girl's parents wanted him to join their network marketing gig with Autoload Extreme (I LOL'd so hard. Oh, you sneaky sneaky marketers.). In the end, they were pissed that he couldn't join (he already joined another networking company), and the girl wanted to go home, and he pissed that he wasn't able to watch POTC.
In my head, I was like, "you should've asked ME out!!!! ME!! Me!! I'd NEVER agree to go on a movie date with an ulterior business motive!!"
Instead, I told him that the latest POTC was indeed awesome and that he should watch out for the mermaids.
And he told me that he joined this network marketing company to get his parents off his back coz he hasn't graduated yet. Most courses you can finish in 3 years. But everybody knows that the average student finishes at their 4th or 5th year. So yeeeaaah. What's with the pressure?
When we got to the other building, Spam and my other friends were waiting at the benches and gave me knowing looks when they saw I had Panda with me. He gave his condolences to Spam and then gave her the promised strawberry jam. And my PEANUT BRITTLE OMG.
Panda is so sweet, thoughtful, considerate, funny and oh-so-HUGGABLE. KILL ME NOW.
I deserve someone like him! Oh, and I finished the peanut brittle last night. I'm keeping the container as a souvenir. Yes, my life is just that sad.
Dancing on air,
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