So I already get pissed at people during details... Now I have a new reason to be pissed at someone new. klsjdlfkjsdl;jfl;jsdl;fjdsf. The last two weeks haven't been my week.
First off, yesterday as I was going to dinner chow, Airmen Eden passed me by and said, "Hey, so we have a hallway meeting at 0600." and I said, "Oh okay, in the hallway?" and she said, "Yeah" and then we walked away from each other after I said thanks. I immediately texted my roommate about it. And I thought nothing of it because since she is my neighbor, our info have to be the same.
The following morning (this morning), Rodriguez and I woke up 30 minutes early to get ready for the hallway meeting and accountability. We stood outside our door at 0555 and no one was outside and we thought it was weird because usually people would be outside but no one was. The only people that were walking were people who were going to Camp Bollis. The day room on our floor was empty too SO we were confused and wondered if there was really a hallway meeting. We waited outside our dorm door 10 minutes after 0600 to really be sure but no one showed up... And I didn't want to leave the hallway because I wasn't sure if there was going to be accountability. So we stayed in the dorm.
Come by 0715, we fall out at the female PT pad for accountabilty before we head to details. Our hallway monitor asks us, "Where were you guys for the hallway meeting?" and we told her about it and how we waited in our hallway, she asked me who told me and I told her that it was Eden. She said, "Eden? Really? You should never listen to her because she never knows what she's talking about. Because the hallway meeting was suppose to be at the PT pad." and I got pissed because we trusted her in her word and that's why we are in the position we are in but our hallway monitor, Tucker, said that we should talk to our MTL to explain and it should be fine. So after we were accounted for, I go to the MTL office to talk to him but he wasn't there... So Rodriguez and I head out and as we were walking out of the MTL office, we see our MTL. He had the look on his face like "Where the heck were you guys?" but in a disappointed way ESPECIALLY towards me.
I explain to him what happened and he said, "Out of all the people, should I be mad at the 100-something people? Or the 5?" and obviously, it's the five but it wasn't our fault. AND WHAT PISSES ME OFF IS... There were five others people that weren't accounted for but I was told by someone who managed to go to the hallway meeting at the PT pad said that there were more than five people that didn't show up but most of them got accounted for. WHICH IS LAME BECAUSE I HAVE THE INTEGRITY TO TRY AND MAKE IT. NOT INTENTIONALLY NOT GO, you know what I mean? So that pissed me off. Because it's not like I'm a lazy piece of shit and sleep in like everyone else... I wake up to make it, but I was just told that it was in the hallway but really, it was at the PT pad.
After I explained it to my MTL, he said "You two are on details, right?" and I said "yes, sir" and he said, "I'll have to talk to you two later." hours later, we find our names on the board to talk to him tomorrow morning.
We had detail-Open Ranks by Master Sergeant Barnett. So we did our little marching, hut-two-three-four around the PT pad and we did the drill movements for Open Ranks. She inspected us in our uniforms and told people to wash their ABU's or shave (for the males) and such... She looked at me and said nothing, she saw that I was clean and well groomed and I had no strings hanging out of my ABU's. After, we all passed and she made us get our transition card in our room so she can sign it. We all go into our rooms and get our cards for her to sign it...
I meet her in her office and hand her my transition card. She sees that I passed three room inspections and I passed both open ranks so she asked, "Would you like me to sign your transition card?" meaning giving me ATP... And added, "Or would you like to wait for your MTL?" and in that moment, I really wanted ATP but I told her that I'd wait for my MTL. I'm not that eager to have it and a lot of people will get mad at me for rejecting it but this is the reason why I did it:
I believe my MTL doesn't believe I deserve to have ATP because of the way I've been "acting" or the fact that I've been accounted for as "late" for curfew and accountability. Even though it's not entirely my fault, I take full responsibility for what happens and if I don't get ATP because of it, so be it. If I have to wait a full month, so be it. I want it to be fair. If that's what I deserve, it's what I deserve. I'm not going to go to another MTL for ATP when MSgt. Barnett isn't my MTL. She has the full right to give it to me, but I feel that it's more respectful for my MTL for him to give it to me. Because I don't want to have ATP and he sees my card and asks why I have it when he didn't give it to me, you know? I know he'll be informed but still, I think it's more respectful for him to give it to me when he feels I'm deserving enough to have it. I don't want to get ATP and have him feel like I'm backstabbing him for going behind his back to another MTL and getting it. You know what I mean? Does that make sense? Because it makes total sense to me... I know a lot of people would think I'm crazy for rejecting it because that's what everyone wants. We have seven RTP Airman's and that's really bad to have, they want ATP again but I rejected mine... For now.
I also didn't want to seem too eager to have it because a lot of people here want it because they can go out to the bars, clubs and drink and get drunk but... I just want ATP because I can walk outside the dormitory in my civilian clothes. But if I can't, then I can't. I won't force it.
I know two people (who happen to be with me during BMT) where they snuck out during ITP. They put on their civilian clothes under their PT gear and went out of base. Of course, that's not allowed but they did it anyways... More than once. I knew of it but they weren't apart of my MTL's hallway, they're another MTL's Airman. One of them even tried to pursuade me to do it last weekend. He told me, "After weekend details, change into your civs, put your PT gear over and let's go eat at the Riverwalk." and I immidiately said no because that's an automatic offense and I didn't want to risk it. My career is far more important than trying to sneak off or get ATP. I even found a lot of detail Airman's sleeping on the job when they're suppose to be cleaning! I find them sleeping in the day room, I find them sleeping in the computer rooms... When I'm around, waiting for a broom so I can start MY details. No, when I try and find someone, I find them sleeping. Is that fair? No. Because I work five times harder than all these girls yet they STILL get ATP before I do. That's not fair but do I complain? No. I know I have honest-to-God integrity than these people. I know I work hard, I know I do more than I should and I do a damn good job. But do I complain? No. Why? Because I remember my MTI in BMT say that when you do what you're told, 100% with a positive attitude and you do it better than what's expected, rewards and medals will come. So I try to remind myself about that...
It sucks but... I'm honest and I have integrity. Even though my MTL or other people or other MTL's don't see it yet, I know I have it. If I'm patient enough, good things will come. I just have to wait it out... I feel like since I'm trying really hard to do well, I have to go through a lot more challenges than everyone else. Which is totally fine. I'm strong enough. It's all good. (brushes off shoulders)
Time to eat ramen.
PS: I love you, Turtle. I miss you so much. I want to hear more stories!
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