Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Um hahahaha bracelet

 As I write this, I am chatting with Charlie on FB since she couldn't reply to me through text. And I am laughing like an idiot in front of the computer because she so funneh with her reactions.


 Anyway, today was loads of good vibes because I saw Godmother, Derp and Isaw today. I headed to BBB after class to see them and we were just "yaaaay friendship!!" and hugs for everyone. Apparently Isaw has been OJT-ing at SDA and I get to visit Godmother next week! (Charlie, you must come so we can mess up her things and stuff).

 After that, Godmother had to enroll and Isaw had to go back to work. So Derp accompanied me to grab lunch at Mashitta where I ordered miso ramen. (Coz it had tofu and I remembered Godmother's one post that involved appreciation of tofu so yeahh...)

 While eating ramen, Derp and I just talked, catching up with what happened with them at Bacolod. In the middle of the conversation, Derp says he's gonna give me something as he brings out this bracelet from his pocket and starts putting it around my wrist.

 And for a moment, my feelings were a mixture of terror, confusion, and a pinch of butterflies because ZOMG I'VE BEEN SINGLE FOR SO LONG WHAT DO I DO. It's not a fancy bracelet but it's nice and the thought that he got me something while he was out of town is sweet (cue Charlie fangirl-ing) so dsfkj;lhk;sdfhdsjk

"Um... what's the word I'm looking for... thank you?" I managed to speak. Then Derp gives me a hug because I think he knows I totally suck at this affection thing even though I'm just dying to show how much I appreciate the gesture hahahaha.

Bracelet totally matched my outfit yo.

Evidence of Charlie fangirl-ing

Awkward Turtle


  1. <3333333 She's not the only one fan-girling. n;ehn;uh;ewrhlkjwe SO CUUUUTE! *will repress instinct to tease you in real life*

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ZOMG. "Pocahontas and John Raph" HAHAHAHA

    1. I'll let you guise tease us openly when we're like two months into the dating scene. XD

      "Pocahantas and John Raph."
      LOLOLOL really guys?? Really?


Nomnomnom clams and pellets.