Thursday, July 26, 2012

Welcome, my nephew!

Jaron Han Park
My newest little nephew! ♡
July 22nd, 2012; 7:31PM. 
7lbs, 20.5 in. long.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cray weather is cray

 It's been raining nonstop since yesterday. When I woke up this morning, I looked out the window and I couldn't see anything through the rain, not even the nearby signal tower which is usually the first thing I see in the morning. Nearly zero visibility. This is madness!

 I'm in a bit of an emotional slump because of yesterday's events and I feel really guilty every time my friends on FB are raving about The Dark Knight Rises (which is a great movie btw).

Le sigh.

Awkward Turtle

Friday, July 20, 2012


On the 17th, Blue Fox texted me "Ok". And I was like, "Ok what?" and he took four hours to reply and said, "Okay I made a decision" and I said, "What decision? Lol."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th!!

     For today, I was a little nervous because I was in Greenhills coz was finally going to meet two of Derp's high school friends whom we shall nickname as Coffee and Lexie. They're both girls. At that point I understood why Derp finds it easy to be more sensitive than the average guy. XD Upon meeting them, we hit it off immediately, though I gravitated more to Lexie because for some reason she reminds me of me when I was in my first few years in college and you just wanna tell her that everything's gonna be fine. Coffee reminds me of me in terms of being more assertive and being quite opinionated about things.

So in a nutshell, hells-to-the-yeah, I've made new friends! Coffee took up Nutrition and Food Science. Lexie  is currently studying Speech Language Pathology. It's just great getting to know these two gorgeous girls- they have a wide range of interests, they're intelligent, they love their courses, and they have their own opinions of most topics you can mention. We had lunch in this Japanese resto called Omakase. Then we moved to Xocolat cafe at Promenade where Coffee's man-friend showed up. Let's call him Tea.

So this is my day in bullet points:

*Met Lexie and Coffee at Promenade. They walk in casually and I spot them first because they were walking slowly while looking at Derp. So trolololol.

*On our way to Omasake, Lexie asks me how Derp and I meet. Then she tells me how Derp has been endlessly talking about me and how happy he is that we're actually together, and she adds that I'm quite lucky

*After giving our orders at Omakase, Coffee tells us about one of her best guy friends who confessed to her when she starts dating Tea. Woooohh so much drama. We mulled over the question: can guys and girls just be friends? Lexie points out, "hey I'm friends with Derp but I'm not in love with him!" Then Derp and Lexie look at me as if expecting me to find the whole conversation weird. "Oh don't worry." I said, "I don't mind. I actually try to pimp Derp out."

*Over appetizers, Lexie tells us about her recent breakup with her man-friend whom we will call Nuts. Because he is. We just want to kill him. Lexie deserves someone better. That is all.

*We moved to Xocolat cafe in Promenade and had our chocolate fix. They talked about the people in their high school. Which made me think of all the idiots in my high school.

*Tea arrived. We interrogated him a bit. He seems genuinely nice. It's quite funny when he brings up that one of his parents is a doctor specializing in pulmonary and intensive care. Lexie's like "Pulmonary? That's good! I have asthma!!" LOLOLOL.

*Pretty much the rest of the day we all just talked about our feelings, life choices, while Lexie trolls Tea and Coffee. Whenever Tea would tease Coffee, she'd be all "don't touch me!" and Lexie and I will chorus, "touch her!" We're not weird.

    Have a great weekend!

    Awkward Turtle

    Wednesday, July 11, 2012

    170 Grass Cuts But #YOLO

    So yesterday, I went to a pool party with my church mates at the Whitehead's house (yeah, funny last name) and most of them went swimming but some of us didn't. (It was just too small of a pool to hold 22 people and the rock slide took most of the space) and so Nano, Celeste and I didn't swim but we were observing the people and out of our boredom, we made a game. There is this weird kid named Brandon and we made it a game where we were to count how many times Brandon slides or jumps off the rock slide. We were happy that it happened 20 times. When it got to 30, we were excited and Celeste went to roam around the house and found a grass hill. She came back to Nano and I and said, "If Brandon makes 40 by 8:35PM, let's roll down the grass hill!" and since we were bored, we decided to do it because #YOLO, I guess. We were slowly watching him and he made it to 40! Nano, Celeste and I jumped for joy and ran to the hill. It was Celeste, Me and Nano and then we counted to three and rolled down the hill! (LOL) Then the order it ended up was Me, Celeste and Nano. HAHAHAHA. We ran back up the hill and we realized how itchy we were and I realized I lost a footsie sock. Then we made another goal... If Brandon could make it to 50 by 9:00PM, we'll roll down again. He was slowing down but we were sure he'd make it and he kind of teased us because he would seem like he was going to go but he just sat there... (Mind you, he didn't even know we were doing this) this game turned into the most intense game we've ever made! It was like watching soccer during the World Cup. BUT, Brandon finally jumped the 50 with three minutes to spare! LOL. We jumped for joy and went back to the hill and we were in our normal formation and rolled down the hill. I think I rolled too far because I almost hit the tree and Celeste ended up rolling onto the sidewalk. HAHAHAHAHA! And then we went back up and we were even more itchy... It's not that we were allergic to grass but we realized that the long grass cut us.

    Grass is different here in the States. If you don't mow your lawn/yard/backyard, the grass can get sharp. And this was healthy, long grass. But when you roll on it, it's not good. HAHA. And for the rest of the night, I felt like my grass cuts are everywhere and it was itchy. Grass cuts are like paper cuts! No joke. And then when I went home, I put a little bit of ointment to make it heal faster but I could feel it every time I move. And today while I was out all day, the sun didn't make it any better because it made me sweat and when sweat would run down my body and onto my cuts, it felt like lemon being squeezed on them!

    When I went to the Mexican restaurant, I saw all my cuts and I counted them all. 170 grass cuts all over my body! sld;k fklsdj;lfkjsl;djfkdkhfoiwer.

    But... You know... #YOLO. It was a good night with Celeste and Nano.

    PS: Don't wear short-shorts and a t-shirt when rolling down a grass hill.

    Derp is Invader Zim. I swear.

     LOLOLOL I can totally imagine him saying this.


    Awkward Turtle

    Whose Line Is It Anyway

    Laughter is still the best medicine.


    Awkward Turtle

    WTF is up with today?

    Today was weird. I left the house at 1130am to go buy stuff from K-Mart and stamps at the post office. Since I don't have a car, a bike, a ride or even a scooter, I had to walk. And it was 105 degrees of straight desert heat. OMFG. I HATE RIVERSIDE. And I finally came home at 430pm. And in the middle of all that, I got called a "negro" by a poor Mexican and I was told off by some hick in his car while stopped at a stop light saying, "Asian! You! In the black shorts! Go back to your home country! THIS IS AMURRICA!" - Sadly, I'm more American than he is.

    Knee and PT. Sigh.

    My knee is bothering me. -_- I mean, it doesn't hurt too much but the fact that I know it's still there is what's bothering me.

    And tomorrow's PT at 8am but I'm going to have to miss it because I don't think it's a safe idea for me to walk from the Bishop's house at 515am to be able to catch the nearest bus stop that gets there at 614am. I'll go next week at the 4PM PT. -_-

    Tuesday, July 10, 2012

    Migraine. Sick. Hormone levels dropping because of monthly period. Will try to recover. Will have to miss class tomorrow.

    Ooh it's raining.

    Awkward Turtle

    Sunday, July 8, 2012

    Turtle Anxiety

        I am so friggin' hormonal right now. I don't have any serious insecurity issues but when it comes to relationships (romantic ones, especially), I get extremely anxious about everything. I'm afraid that I'm not built for long-term relationships because I don't know how to handle conflict, I'm generally more cerebral than emotional, I'm not sure how much to expect or not to expect, and it's bad enough I've been told I'm insensitive. Also, I kind of need to be reassured once in awhile if I'm doing okay. Except I don't want to be friggin' needy because that's the last thing I want to be.


    I'm going to download Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs.

    Awkward Turtle

    DEP CC and Marching.

    I met up with my recruiter and my fellow DEP'rs. We made a love package for her (USAF) husband who's deployed in Afghanistan so we sent him some good stuff. Junk food, shaving cream, packaged Gatorade, and someone gave him an iPod shuffle. UM, OUR LIMIT WAS $10, DUDE! Hahahahaha.

    Then we got a briefing about the news in the USAF. In Lackland AFB (where our training is held), there has been a lot of investigation happening because there are MTI's who are harassing or sexual harassing people or something like that. Men and women but more on women so they're kicking out MTI's and discharging them from the military and even those who are under suspicion are being discharged so it's serious stuff. After that, we went outside for a test... We had to do our 'reporting statement' and then we all got together and marched. We have two new kids and one of them is Art. We were commanded to do a "change step" but he did a "change step" and a "about phase" AND THEN HORRIBLY CRASHED INTO PEOPLE. It was like a bowling ball crashing into the pins. IT WAS HILARIOUS! XD

    After that, we were all briefed on what we're going to do for the next two DEP CC's. So, August 4th is Ultimate Frisbee (I'll bring my own this time) and September 1st, we're running UP Mount Rubidoux (Roo-bee-dough) sigh. Maybe... If I pretend to pass out... Some hunky DEP'r can carry me? HMMMMMM.

    Then we were all dismissed. I was going to talk to Sgt. Fears about my right knee but I'll just ask her on Wednesday when I see her.

    I'm not sure if I told you about my knee...

    Well, I've been feeling this weird discomfort in my right knee. When I do a squat (like I'm going to do a duck walk), I don't feel it but it's when I do a pivot to my right side and put my weight on my right side, then I'll feel it and sometimes, it'll hurt. I don't know if it's something that I have to address or let it go but I feel like I should just to figure out what's wrong. I've asked some of my guy friends who are all into physical body and whatnot and they say that it's either I used my right side too much, or I've strained it or over-used it or I didn't stretch out enough. :(

    So, yeah. Meh.

    Leandra Graves - Move

    This is Leandra Graves, she is a friend of my church friend Peter (member of the band "Don't Forget Your Shoes") and her boyfriend, Taylor Barisoff (we call him Beri), who was two spots before Leandra and he's into the rock-blue-jazz-country-ish genre. But, Leandra performed and she sounds really beautiful in person. I bought her EP CD for $5.

    Turtle, I don't know if you like this kind of music or if you liked it but when I watched her perform at the Flour Fusion cafe, I thought of you. :)

    - Otter

    Saturday, July 7, 2012

    Band Sesh and Gigs.

    Today was an eventful day. Actually, right now it's 249am. Let me recap it for you!

    I was home all day, watching my Korean shows and eating while the Bishop and Mrs. Davis get ready to spent the night over at the Los Angeles Temple. And then I was reminded that today was Allen and Peter's gig at the Flour Fusion cafe! So we arrived in Lake Elsinore by 7pm and luckily, it hasn't started so we got to see Allen perform! <3

    I made a 10-minute video of him. SHHHHH. <3 And then I got to hear other songs from other friends/artists that Allen and Peter are friends with. Also, I got to meet this new artist "Leandra Graves" (Turtle, I really think you're going to like her... So Google her and give her a listen) and I bought her $5 and the money goes to a fund for her new guitar. Whatevs but she's really good... The only thing about her that I didn't like was that she kept moving around the stage a lot and it annoyed me.

    After the whole gig was over at about 10pm, Glenn, Joe and I headed back to Riverside and we called up Scott to see if he was up for a band sesh (Rock Band) and we told him to meet us up at the RCC Institute*.

    * The RCC (Riverside Community College) Institute is where LDS/Mormon RCC students (and visitors are welcome too) to go to study during classes or want to study more about the church and that's why we hold Institute classes... It's almost like Bible study. But it's closed during the summer and it'll reopen when the fall semester opens up.

    Since the Institute building is closed for the summer, no one comes HOWEVER, since Joe knows the passcode, we're allowed in and we used that space for a Rock Band sesh. <3

    Five hours of Rock Band was good for our soul.

    Now, I'm home, 5 minutes before 3am and I have a DEP CC at 9am. Haha.

    Today was a good day.

    I've figured out why I've been losing weight

      I drink this awesome, herbal supplement drink called Intra, and sometimes along with it I drink the capsules that go with the package which supposedly enhances the nutrients and has fiber and shizz.

     Turns out the stuff is also very effective in speeding up metabolism.

    I have a metabolism speed of The Roadrunner, so turns out the capsules kind of act like a turbo gear for my already fast-as-lightning metabolism.

     My mom recommended that I take one capsule every few days with my meals instead of the usual twice-a-day routine.

    Crisis averted.

    (Skinny) Awkward Turtle

    Friday, July 6, 2012



    My favorite would be Forever Alone, Sub Zero, Double Dutch, and I Slept In My Contacts, just to name a few.

    I think I'm coming down with a cold.

    Awkward Turtle

    One More Reason To Love Elders.

    This was taken from an Elder in the New Zealand Mission. An Elder helped a mother duck get her little ducklings out of a storm drain... The most cute thing I've ever seen so far <3

    Learn From Animals.

    Enough said.


    Thursday, July 5, 2012

    Happy 4th of July, everyone!

    Lately, I've been seeing on the news a lot of storms in the east coast. There's been a lot of weird, random storms that would root out the trees and have it fall on houses, electricity has gone out throughout town and on top of that, it's 100+ degrees... And Maryland was one of the places that was highly effected by it and since I have a lot of friends there, I was worried. So I texted/messaged Kitty and Blue Fox. - No answer.

    Yesterday, I texted Blue Fox and said, "I've been seeing a lot of tragedy happening in Maryland. Electricity and storms and all. I was just wondering if you and your family are okay..."

    He didn't text me for the whole day so I was worried because none of my friends in Maryland replied...

    Then this morning at 8:22am, Blue Fox replied and said, "They are okay my dear. Thank you for asking."

    Tuesday, July 3, 2012

    Hooray For Perfect Days

       My plans for today was to attend Spanish class, cut Religion class to pay way overdue bills and deposit money to my mom's account as her instructions, and then get back to school in time for my evening class. I dragged Derp with me as my partner in crime. It was raining nearly the whole day which was great because I  luuuurve the rain. We went to the bank near my place and then caught a taxi to Meralco around the vicinity coz the rain was crazy.

      We were just done with errands when Godmother mentioned that classes were suspended 1pm onwards. We were like, "oh yay! What do now?"

    So Derp and I proceeded to my place and just watch Les Miserables concert and episodes of Big Bang Theory while munching on Korean noodles, dried mangoes, M&M's, and hotdog sandwiches.In between, we just snuggled, derped around, and talked. It was nice because it was my place we were hanging out for a change. No brothers suddenly walking in or needing mediation, no parents checking in. Just me and this derpy dude who accompanied me with my errands and even did half the dishes in my place while spazzing out on Elizabeth Banks as Eponine.

     It was a great, quiet, and rainy day with no other responsibilities to be done. I'm so grateful for days like these. Days that just mysteriously go right.


    Yesterday, I was horrified to find out I've lost weight. I was trying on my usual jeans, deciding which to wear when I noticed they just didn't feel right. They weren't loose but they slightly sagged in a few places. And I had to wear a belt. Gruh.Then I met up with Derp and he mentioned that his jeans didn't feel right and his friends told him he has lost weight.
    OMG. We're. Losing. Weight.

    So yesterday before heading for home, we stuffed ourselves with the burgers at Zark's until we felt like Beluga whales. For the rest of the evening we felt like beached whales dying on the shores of gluttony. Anything that had stairs was torture.

    Anyway, should be getting on with mah papers.

    Awkward Turtle


    Sunday, July 1, 2012

    Dodgers vs. Mets

    So yesterday, it was "Mormon Night" at the Dodgers Stadium (baseball team) because Elder Urchdorf was throwing the first pitch and most of the people that came to the game were Mormon. LOL. And we took up all the good seats (aka the all-you-can-eat section) and I went with everyone from my church and I arrived with Glenn. We got seven hotdogs, three nacho plates and four Cokes. HAHA. The game wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be but it was definitely better than the Mariners vs. Angels game that I saw when I was still living in Seattle. I mean, seriously? Dodgers - 0 Mets - 9? LAME. But it was still good because we got to eat all we can eat. Also, I taught Glenn the ways of Korea. HAHAHAHA. And a bunch of K-Pop that almost made his head explode. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Now, later today, I'm going to go see my old friend John (who's my friend from Japan and was my best friend in kindergarten) and his family. They are coming from Las Vegas so they have to pass by here before they head to San Diego (where they live) so we're going to have dinner or something like that and it's going to be awesome. :)

    Good day,