Went to Derp's house yesterday to watch the season finale of Legend of Korra and just to hang out for the rest of the day. When I went up their room and knocked, Derp opened it and gave me the longest bear hug ever. I swear he's getting more affectionate these days.
After watching LOK, we watched the movie Hairspray while eating Pop Tarts while just being snuggled up with each other.
I had to leave earlier than usual because my bro forgot his keys to the condo. I was a bit sleepy so Derp accompanied me to the train station. We both took a jeepney and the traffic was so bad. It nearly took an hour to get to the MRT. I felt bad that Derp will probably get home late on his way back so when he dropped me off at the train station, we had our usual farewell hug. Then I told him, "you deserve a kiss."
He was a bit bewildered and pleased at the same time. "Right now?"
Hey, I gotta show him that I really appreciate his efforts as a man-friend.
Awkward Turtle
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
North, Frisbee, Knee.
I helped the Bishop on some work at North High School (since he’s a vice principal) we rounded up all the students who are taking summer school and I was in charge of grouping them into subjects and sending them to the counselor’s office. I’m surprised at how many students are taking summer classes (appox. 1600 students) and I was getting irritated at how much they lack discipline, how they don’t listen and how they’re just so goddamn slow! Sigh. But after having them fix their schedules (because they were too stupid to fix it before summer school started), I went into VP Davis’ office and I managed and filed the “drop outs” and I went through 20 pages of drop out students. WHO DROPS OUT OF SUMMER SCHOOL?
So, I worked/helped out for eight straight hours and cut Bishop’s work by two~three hours. I had fun doing it, actually. I also reorganized his office because I’m nice and OCD.
And then I went to Ultimate Frisbee.
But I didn't run as much as I wanted to or as fast as I wanted to because I've been having this discomfort in my right knee. So I didn't want to make it worse.
For two almost three weeks now, I've been feeling this discomfort in my right knee... When I squat all the way or do what's called a "duck squat" and I pivot to my right knee, putting my weight on my right knee, there's this discomfort right in the middle of my knee and behind my hamstring. And I don't have it on my left knee... Just my right. But if I keep my right knee bent, the discomfort's gone but if I were to stand up, I'll feel it and have to walk it out to relieve it. I don't know what's the problem and it's bothering me because I want to fix it. I've never had this before! Some of my friends tell me it's because I'm either overusing it, or depending on my right side too much or I'm not using it as much as I should and then overdo it when I work out or I'm not stretching enough in the area.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Yay good food and friendship!
After class, I met up with Charlie and Wina at this cool, hipster-ish resto near my school. On my way there (and since it was my first time to go there), I was a bit apprehensive on finding the location of the resto because it was almost behind this lot with huge ongoing construction. When I arrived, it was a small, charming place that's practically screaming hipster. Oh, and there's also this friendly cat at the outdoor dining area.
Inside, there's a dining table on the ceiling complete with dining ware on it. Literally.
The food is great. The prices are reasonable. I actually ordered dessert which I rarely do.
I got to catch up with Wina and Charlie (who I haven't seen forevaaaaarrr). Some of our conversations consisted of:
*Rock of Ages. I haven't watched it yet but Wina and Charlie told me it's something Derp and I would enjoy. And I've been hearing so much about Tom Cruise's role there.
*Jon Snow's cat died. :( RIP sweet kitteh.
*Our girl-ish man-friends. We talked about our manly-man ex-relationships and our awesome dorky man-friends at the present.
*Apparently, Derp got himself locked in their bathroom. Faulty doorknob. That man will need a hug tomorrow.
*Wina told me about the first time Derp met me and other days wherein he wouldn't stop talking about me. TAILLIGHT EYES FTW. That man will get a lot of hugs tomorrow.
*Charlie checking her phone for the current moon phase. "Oh, it's half-moon today. Maybe you can be half-horny?" LOLOLOLOLOL WHAT
*Wina and Charlie asking me if Derp has kissed me again.
Inside, there's a dining table on the ceiling complete with dining ware on it. Literally.
The food is great. The prices are reasonable. I actually ordered dessert which I rarely do.
I got to catch up with Wina and Charlie (who I haven't seen forevaaaaarrr). Some of our conversations consisted of:
*Rock of Ages. I haven't watched it yet but Wina and Charlie told me it's something Derp and I would enjoy. And I've been hearing so much about Tom Cruise's role there.
*Jon Snow's cat died. :( RIP sweet kitteh.
*Our girl-ish man-friends. We talked about our manly-man ex-relationships and our awesome dorky man-friends at the present.
*Apparently, Derp got himself locked in their bathroom. Faulty doorknob. That man will need a hug tomorrow.
*Wina told me about the first time Derp met me and other days wherein he wouldn't stop talking about me. TAILLIGHT EYES FTW. That man will get a lot of hugs tomorrow.
*Charlie checking her phone for the current moon phase. "Oh, it's half-moon today. Maybe you can be half-horny?" LOLOLOLOLOL WHAT
*Wina and Charlie asking me if Derp has kissed me again.
K guise I'm gonna go watch a movie online nao because free time. :D
Awkward Turtle
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Moved Out and Allowed to Raid.
I finally moved out of my apartment. While my roommate-best friend was packing her stuff, I also packed all my stuff because while she's gone for three months back home in Hawaii, I'm def not staying that long in the apartment with her boyfriend. We did that back in December (for one month though) and we fought and it was def awks. Plus, the lease ends in August and he would have to be moving all her furniture into the house they plan to move into (which I'm not surprised that she even chose to still live with him and gave him another chance after all the fighting they've been doing before she left) and when Joe, Glenn and I were driving her to the airport, she told me, "Oh, I saw that you packed your stuff... You don't have to leave, you know. You can stay at the apartment for as long as you like." and I said, "Oh it's okay, I wanted Cam to have the apartment to himself." and she said, "It's fine, it can be like last time. You don't have to go." and in my head, I'm like, "Last time? Are you for real?" but anyways, right after I came back from dropping her off, I went home got all my stuff and left. The only thing I'm sad about was leaving Astro and Quazi because I know they're not going to drink much water again, or eat that much food because my best friend and Cam want to "save money"... And since I've been taking care of them for the last seven months and sleeping with them on my bed for the last seven months is going to be hard because I've grown to love them like they were my own dogs. :(
But, I moved into my Bishop and his wife's house which is only a mile and a half up the street. LOL. Yeah, I moved far. HAHA. But, it's better because we have a yard with a garden of veggies and a bonfire pit, and we have humming bird feeders and bird feeders (and as I type this, the greedy humming bird is on the feeder and we have a chair near it so you can watch them) and I have my own room with two single beds and it's a lot better. However, it's still awk because I'm adjusting. Haha. Um, when I came here, Mrs. Davis and Bishop said to "make myself feel at home" or "feel free to eat or open whatever can you want" and in my head, and some of you might know this is you know me well enough that... The WORST phrase you can ever tell me is, "Feel free to eat what you want or open whatever you want. Feel free to open the fridge and grab yourself something to eat." those are the worst things you can ever say to me BECAUSE I will do it. Once you've already given me the approval that I can do so, I will not hesitate to do it. If you allow me to raid your kitchen, I will gladly do so. If you allow me to open what I want to eat, I will happily obey.
SO when Mrs. Davis and Bishop told me that, I was trying my hardest to refuse because I don't want to seem like a hog but... They did. And I'm trying not to. LOL. But, it's difficult for me. HAHA!
Anyways, I'm going to go get ready, call my recruiter, eat something and hopefully watch Brave. AND, then come home in time to help Bishop with our Softball game FHE night. We're going to be grilling some hot dogs and we'll make s'mores at the fire pit near the church. WOOHOO! Things are looking up!
PS: I'm still looking for a temporary job. -_-
Surrounded by food,
But, I moved into my Bishop and his wife's house which is only a mile and a half up the street. LOL. Yeah, I moved far. HAHA. But, it's better because we have a yard with a garden of veggies and a bonfire pit, and we have humming bird feeders and bird feeders (and as I type this, the greedy humming bird is on the feeder and we have a chair near it so you can watch them) and I have my own room with two single beds and it's a lot better. However, it's still awk because I'm adjusting. Haha. Um, when I came here, Mrs. Davis and Bishop said to "make myself feel at home" or "feel free to eat or open whatever can you want" and in my head, and some of you might know this is you know me well enough that... The WORST phrase you can ever tell me is, "Feel free to eat what you want or open whatever you want. Feel free to open the fridge and grab yourself something to eat." those are the worst things you can ever say to me BECAUSE I will do it. Once you've already given me the approval that I can do so, I will not hesitate to do it. If you allow me to raid your kitchen, I will gladly do so. If you allow me to open what I want to eat, I will happily obey.
SO when Mrs. Davis and Bishop told me that, I was trying my hardest to refuse because I don't want to seem like a hog but... They did. And I'm trying not to. LOL. But, it's difficult for me. HAHA!
Anyways, I'm going to go get ready, call my recruiter, eat something and hopefully watch Brave. AND, then come home in time to help Bishop with our Softball game FHE night. We're going to be grilling some hot dogs and we'll make s'mores at the fire pit near the church. WOOHOO! Things are looking up!
PS: I'm still looking for a temporary job. -_-
Surrounded by food,
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Basorexia because of Fairly Legal.
While watching this scene during my Fairly Legal marathon, this one particularly made me roll on the floor because in this episode, Ben and Kate have been at each other's throats for quite awhile now (though you can just sense the electrifying tension when she calls him an idiot and he calls her nuts) coz of their different approaches to work. So when THIS happened, I was like FEELINGS. And I flipped out mostly because kissing flips me out and it's really hard for me to reciprocate because my brain gets in the way and I start acting flustered and fuckin' derpy which is weird because I totally didn't have any problem with kissing in my last relationship at all and because potato!!!
Derp totally has no problem with kissing and the thing is I know we could be doing something as awesome as BEN AND KATE ARE DOING IN THIS EPISODE IF ONLY I CAN TELL MY BRAIN TO SHUT UP
Wow my feelings are just all over the place.
I mean, I just want to hug Derp when we were just sitting on his bed and I was reading a book and he says, "you know, I still can't believe you're my girlfriend. "
Hiding in shell,
Awkward Turtle
So much bromance.
Was hanging out with Derp at their house yesterday. We just finished watching "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" and just being all snuggles while talking about the movie when their bastard brother Jon Snow (LOL I finally has alias for him) walks in and then gives us this "oh-I-think-might-be-interrupting-these-loveducks-but-I'll stare-at-them-to-trololol" look.
"Don't worry, you can have Derp to yourself in awhile coz I have to leave in a bit." I assured him. Then Derp and Jon Snow gay up the place like you wouldn't believe that I'm pretty sure Wina would've been all "they're so sweet!" while I'm just facepalm-ing in the corner.
Yes, imagine Derp running up to Jon Snow and carrying him by the waist and spinning around the room and shizz while Jon Snow squeals like a girl. *facepalm facepalm facepalm*
I need more palms for this.
After that, Jon Snow flops down on the bed miserably saying that he already misses Wina and that he's bummed coz they won't see each other for awhile because they're both busy. D'aaaaaawwwwww.
I seriously can only take so much bromance.
Awkward Turtle
I'm a bit concerned that this blog is getting a lot more views than usual. I don't mind that we actually have readers but this blog was originally just for me, Otter and for some close friends. Oh well.
"Don't worry, you can have Derp to yourself in awhile coz I have to leave in a bit." I assured him. Then Derp and Jon Snow gay up the place like you wouldn't believe that I'm pretty sure Wina would've been all "they're so sweet!" while I'm just facepalm-ing in the corner.
Yes, imagine Derp running up to Jon Snow and carrying him by the waist and spinning around the room and shizz while Jon Snow squeals like a girl. *facepalm facepalm facepalm*
I need more palms for this.
After that, Jon Snow flops down on the bed miserably saying that he already misses Wina and that he's bummed coz they won't see each other for awhile because they're both busy. D'aaaaaawwwwww.
I seriously can only take so much bromance.
Awkward Turtle
I'm a bit concerned that this blog is getting a lot more views than usual. I don't mind that we actually have readers but this blog was originally just for me, Otter and for some close friends. Oh well.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
I Regret Nothing.
I wonder if what I did today was a good thing.
I went to the UCR's Institute to meet up with the Elders to have our lesson. After our hour lesson, we departed and I walked to the University Village to stop by 7/11 because I wanted a drink and some beef jerky. I then went out to sit on the chairs outside 7/11 to call Mrs. Davis regarding if I can finally move into her place for the time being because I'm dropping off Emily at the airport tomorrow and she's going to be gone for three months and I'm definitely not staying at the apartment with just her boyfriend.
So, I called Mrs. Davis but she didn't answer so I had to leave a message, as I was waiting for the voicemail message to finish so I can leave one, this young black kid comes up to me...
Be Warned: You Will Rage
So I watched this video of a bus monitor woman named Karen and the kids she has to watch are so disrespectful that it's a damn shame they're alive. If they were my child, they would never be able to speak like that EVER... If they do, they will get beat! THE OLD FASHION WAY. This is why a lot of people hate America because of kids like these, even worse, their parents are the ones that made this happen. I would have loooooooooooooved to punch some sense into these kids!
To know that these kids are the generation after me is such a disgrace! It makes me sick to even hear kids talk like this... It's just a damn shame!
Ugh. I'd kill them if I could... And wouldn't get in trouble for it.
"Brother Zoned"
So at church, I'm apart of a trio: Joe, Glenn and I.
We're mostly together most of the time and when we are, it's awesome. We watch movies together, we eat together and we're always together so it's almost like we're inseparable.
But lately, I've been sensing Glenn is thinking different and I should have trusted my gut because just a couple nights ago, when he was dropping me home, he was going to ask me something... I knew in my gut what it was going to be.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Otter, I swear to God I will kill you if you don't watch this video.
Awkward Turtle.
Their spoken word poetry video explaining how they met. OH GOD. They are so perfect for each other that they are just PLATONIC. XD
Monday, June 18, 2012
Teh Awkward
![]() |
Uhhh... |
After dinner, Derp and I went back to the bedroom, I started laughing.
Stuffed with meat, cheese and wine,
Awkward Turtle
Saturday, June 16, 2012
What the fluff.
Yesterday, I went over to Derp's house and hung out with him, Dork, and Charlie. From this hang out resulted in Charlie introducing me to Soul Caliber (kind of like Tekken but more badass) which resulted in a me vs Derp game. I told him not to go easy on me just coz I'm a newb. I beat him 3 times out of 4 sooo beginner's luck. Won against Dork a few times though it was Charlie who kicked my ass hurhurhur. Charlie I shall has my vengeance!!
After the games, we decided to watch a movie. While Dork and Derp were setting up the widescreen TV and the audio, I told Dork that the TV was too close to the bed. Derp adjusts it and then puts his arms around me.
Derp: What about this, is this too close for you?
Me: Watdafuq.
Awkward Turtle
After the games, we decided to watch a movie. While Dork and Derp were setting up the widescreen TV and the audio, I told Dork that the TV was too close to the bed. Derp adjusts it and then puts his arms around me.
Derp: What about this, is this too close for you?
Me: Watdafuq.
Awkward Turtle
Little Things That Make Me Happy
1. A really great catchy song on replay. And yes that includes Call Me Maybe. DON'T JUDGE MEH
2.Belting it out at the karaoke.
3. Doggy kisses.
4. Kitty kisses. Sandpaper-ish but it's still love.
5. Sleeping in and waking up from a nice dream.
6. Dates with myself.
7. Kicking Derp's ass in Soul Caliber 4.
8. When people find me hilarious even though I'm not sure why.
9. Bacon.
10. Songs that celebrate a woman's strength independence. The most recent one I love is Ne-Yo's "She Got Her Own" ft. Jamie Foxx and Fabolous. (Thanks Otter!) I love the fact they featured female celebrities in the video who do have their own. :D
11. When you're home alone: Put on a really good dance song. Turn volume up. Dance coz no one's watching. Dance because life sucks. Dance because life is awesome.
12.Reading a good book with ALL THE FEELS. Currently devouring books by John Green. So far I've read "The Fault In Our Stars" and "Looking For Alaska." After each book I'm just:
13.Rainy days.
15. Almond-flavored cupcakes
16.When someone gives up a seat for me in the train.
17.When I get to ride a skip train.
18. Older people who can keep up with current technology, music, and social issues (e.g. my dad)
19. When your friends are cool with your man-friend. (And vice versa.)
20. People who use their derpy animal voice on their dogs: "Whoosa goo' boy? WHOOSA GOO' BOY?? You are, yes you are you four-legged bundle of laffles hurr durr durr" And inside I'm just:
21. Jamming with my little brother. He plays the guitar. I sing.
22. Hugs.
23. Awesome professors.
24. Knowing that brilliant people walk the earth and reducing worldsuck.
25. Eating without thinking about fat or counting calories. And hey I still exercise.
This is all for now.
Awkward Turtle
2.Belting it out at the karaoke.
3. Doggy kisses.
4. Kitty kisses. Sandpaper-ish but it's still love.
5. Sleeping in and waking up from a nice dream.
6. Dates with myself.
7. Kicking Derp's ass in Soul Caliber 4.
8. When people find me hilarious even though I'm not sure why.
9. Bacon.
10. Songs that celebrate a woman's strength independence. The most recent one I love is Ne-Yo's "She Got Her Own" ft. Jamie Foxx and Fabolous. (Thanks Otter!) I love the fact they featured female celebrities in the video who do have their own. :D
11. When you're home alone: Put on a really good dance song. Turn volume up. Dance coz no one's watching. Dance because life sucks. Dance because life is awesome.
12.Reading a good book with ALL THE FEELS. Currently devouring books by John Green. So far I've read "The Fault In Our Stars" and "Looking For Alaska." After each book I'm just:
13.Rainy days.
15. Almond-flavored cupcakes
16.When someone gives up a seat for me in the train.
17.When I get to ride a skip train.
18. Older people who can keep up with current technology, music, and social issues (e.g. my dad)
19. When your friends are cool with your man-friend. (And vice versa.)
20. People who use their derpy animal voice on their dogs: "Whoosa goo' boy? WHOOSA GOO' BOY?? You are, yes you are you four-legged bundle of laffles hurr durr durr" And inside I'm just:
21. Jamming with my little brother. He plays the guitar. I sing.
22. Hugs.
23. Awesome professors.
24. Knowing that brilliant people walk the earth and reducing worldsuck.
25. Eating without thinking about fat or counting calories. And hey I still exercise.
This is all for now.
Awkward Turtle
Benji Schwimmer. SYTYCD Winner. Mormon.
I'm not sure who here watches "So You Think You Can Dance" tv show but there's a dancer named Benji Schwimmer. He's a good dancer, he's also a member of my church and he was my friend Glenn's old companion during their mission... On Tuesday, we all get the news that he announced that he was gay. He finally came out after struggling to come to terms that he was gay and he struggled to accept it because he's been a devoted member to our church but ever since he finally accepted it, he left our church and is now "ex-communicated" (that means that he's no longer affiliated with our church)
The way we found out was when Joe, Glenn and I were at Ontario Mills (a mall) eating Panda Express and then we see Glenn on his iPhone, scrolling around and then his expression changed from content to worried and disappointed (?) and then he told us if we knew Benji and Joe knew of him but knew his sister and I know of him because he was on TV but I knew he's from Redlands. So then Glenn told us about it and how they were companions for about six months during their mission (which is a long time) and then told us that Benji came out and announced that he was gay, leaving the church and is now doing whatever. Joe and I were a little surprised that he decided to leave and we thought it was a little harsh.
Later after we ate, Glenn couldn't call him because Benji lost his phone so he just sent him a private message on Twitter. But to know that he left the church and is now ex-communicated left a saddened feeling... I can't imagine leaving my church, I can't imagine the church ex-communicating with me or anything like that... I don't even want to think of that feeling but for Benji to go through that was really sad.
I don't know why he left the church, I mean, is it just because he's gay? I know some Mormon's are hella sketchy with that issue but there are some that understand (Andi and I). A lot of Mormon's think that Andi and I are not Mormons because we support gay rights, gay marriages and have gay friends and best friends but it doesn't make you any less of a devoted disciple of God if you follow His word but, I don't know. I just heard the news and I just thought of telling you guys... I just wish that the situation was so harsh. :(
I'm not sure who here watches "So You Think You Can Dance" tv show but there's a dancer named Benji Schwimmer. He's a good dancer, he's also a member of my church and he was my friend Glenn's old companion during their mission... On Tuesday, we all get the news that he announced that he was gay. He finally came out after struggling to come to terms that he was gay and he struggled to accept it because he's been a devoted member to our church but ever since he finally accepted it, he left our church and is now "ex-communicated" (that means that he's no longer affiliated with our church)
The way we found out was when Joe, Glenn and I were at Ontario Mills (a mall) eating Panda Express and then we see Glenn on his iPhone, scrolling around and then his expression changed from content to worried and disappointed (?) and then he told us if we knew Benji and Joe knew of him but knew his sister and I know of him because he was on TV but I knew he's from Redlands. So then Glenn told us about it and how they were companions for about six months during their mission (which is a long time) and then told us that Benji came out and announced that he was gay, leaving the church and is now doing whatever. Joe and I were a little surprised that he decided to leave and we thought it was a little harsh.
Later after we ate, Glenn couldn't call him because Benji lost his phone so he just sent him a private message on Twitter. But to know that he left the church and is now ex-communicated left a saddened feeling... I can't imagine leaving my church, I can't imagine the church ex-communicating with me or anything like that... I don't even want to think of that feeling but for Benji to go through that was really sad.
I don't know why he left the church, I mean, is it just because he's gay? I know some Mormon's are hella sketchy with that issue but there are some that understand (Andi and I). A lot of Mormon's think that Andi and I are not Mormons because we support gay rights, gay marriages and have gay friends and best friends but it doesn't make you any less of a devoted disciple of God if you follow His word but, I don't know. I just heard the news and I just thought of telling you guys... I just wish that the situation was so harsh. :(
Silly Otter,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ne-Yo feat. Jamie Foxx, Fabolous - She Got Her Own
"Independent queen working for her thrown"
I absolutely love this song! The lyrics are just... I don't know, I really like it.
"She don't slow down 'cause she ain't got time to be complaining. Shawty gon' shine. She don't expect nothing from no guy. She plays aggressive, but she still shy... I love her 'cause she got her own."
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Oh Hello, Summer. You're Here?
I think I should retire my moccasins. HAHA! I think this means I need to invest my money on some slippers.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Currently updating my resume' and drafting my cover letter for my job application as a flight attendant.
Will blog about this when it's not too late in the night.
I want chocolate.
And Derp.
I miss Otter.
Awkward Turtle
Will blog about this when it's not too late in the night.
I want chocolate.
And Derp.
I miss Otter.
Awkward Turtle
Monday, June 11, 2012
A New Calling.
Today for the first time, I went to a family church. O_O I went with the Davis' because a missionary they knew came back from his mission so they came to say hello. And when I was there, it was so hard to concentrate at church because of the children crying, talking and whatnot. Haha.
But after sacrament, we all headed over to our church for the last hour and then Brother Jensen came up to me and said, "Otter, after church, you have to come and see me." and usually, with that kind of question, I freak out! Buuuuuuut, when we managed to meet up together, Brother Jensen just told me that I have a new calling in the church! Woot! I'm on the Break the Fast committee! See, even the church knows that I love food. BWAHAHA. But this time, now that I'm on the committee, I get to bug people to BRING food to the church. So that there's food for me. I mean. Everyone.
Now I'm waiting for my friend Coco so we can go to a Fireside.
PS: I'm hungry... Again.
But after sacrament, we all headed over to our church for the last hour and then Brother Jensen came up to me and said, "Otter, after church, you have to come and see me." and usually, with that kind of question, I freak out! Buuuuuuut, when we managed to meet up together, Brother Jensen just told me that I have a new calling in the church! Woot! I'm on the Break the Fast committee! See, even the church knows that I love food. BWAHAHA. But this time, now that I'm on the committee, I get to bug people to BRING food to the church. So that there's food for me. I mean. Everyone.
Now I'm waiting for my friend Coco so we can go to a Fireside.
PS: I'm hungry... Again.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
DG and Dex.
DG left for Utah without telling me. How did I find out? Via Facebook/Instagram shizz. He did a solo road trip out to Utah. WOW, THANKS FOR NOT TELLING ME YOU JERKFACE. I'm a little upset because we were suppose to have lunch before he left and he was suppose to give me my shoes back. :( but he left suddenly because he got two job interviews at a hotel and Wells Fargo. And since he's going to school there in September in BYU, he might as well leave now? Plus, he said he didn't feel like he "belong" in California but, whatevs. I'm a little upset but I'll see him again eventually.
Yesterday none of my June Bug BMT buddies told me that a Tinychat-ooVoo night was going down and I found out when I got home. And then Rorosa gave me the link to join and I ended up joining and Dex was on it. But I didn't put on my audio or video yet because I was trying to set it up, plus I kind of wanted to be a creeper for a bit. So, I just joined the chat and instead of using my name, I used my username (the one I use for everything) and then I heard Dex freak out. He was like, "Otter's on! Otter's on! Or is it someone just f*cking with me? Otter?! OTTER?!" <33333333333333333333333
Yesterday none of my June Bug BMT buddies told me that a Tinychat-ooVoo night was going down and I found out when I got home. And then Rorosa gave me the link to join and I ended up joining and Dex was on it. But I didn't put on my audio or video yet because I was trying to set it up, plus I kind of wanted to be a creeper for a bit. So, I just joined the chat and instead of using my name, I used my username (the one I use for everything) and then I heard Dex freak out. He was like, "Otter's on! Otter's on! Or is it someone just f*cking with me? Otter?! OTTER?!" <33333333333333333333333
Saturday, June 9, 2012
In which Derp is really, really, really tipsy.
God I swear, Derp drunk-texting is friggin' hilarious.
Since I couldn't make it to Dork's graduation dinner, I just killed time by catching up on some schoolwork and listening to a lot of Spanish language podcasts. Then the odd texts started coming:
Derp: You know wha I like best about vodka? It makes my floor into comfortable. :))
Me: Lol you drunk XD
Me: Take it easy on the vodka dude. XD
Derp: No you! Dork is sharing glass with Charlie. Wina sharing glass with Kev. I have no one to share glass with. :(
Um okaaaaaaaay.
Lonely Derp is lonely hahahahaha,
Awkward Turtle
Since I couldn't make it to Dork's graduation dinner, I just killed time by catching up on some schoolwork and listening to a lot of Spanish language podcasts. Then the odd texts started coming:
Derp: You know wha I like best about vodka? It makes my floor into comfortable. :))
Me: Lol you drunk XD
Me: Take it easy on the vodka dude. XD
Derp: No you! Dork is sharing glass with Charlie. Wina sharing glass with Kev. I have no one to share glass with. :(
Um okaaaaaaaay.
Lonely Derp is lonely hahahahaha,
Awkward Turtle
In which my ovaries are staging a riot
I want the father of my theoretical child to be this dorky and awesome.
Awkward Turtle
Breaking Down the Updates...
060712: Helped Joe fix his car, put some freeon/refrigerant in his car for his aircon and other stuff in his car, then we went to pick up Glenn and we went to Victoria Gardens (an outdoor mall) and we watched Joe get a pedicure for the first time. Glenn and I were ASL-ing to Joe through the glass but he couldn't understand us very well so he just texted us. HAHAHAHA! It was funny. His feet are now smooth and clean. IF YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW THEY WERE BEFORE! LOL. Then we got Jamba Juice (which was my first time ever even though I grew up in the US, lol) and then we went to regional volleyball then we went to Denny's until 1am. I was a little upset because Michael, the cute Korean waiter, that works there on Thursday nights wasn't working there last night. It was a sad day. :(
060812: A free day. Woot! I was going to go to the mall but I don't think I will. It's already 1:52pm here. HAHA. I would have to wait for the bus for like, 30-ish minutes and it'll take me an hour and 30 minutes to get there, about three hours to window-shop around, and then wait another 30 minutes to an hour for the bus, another hour and 30 minutes to get home... What time will I get home? UM, REALLY LATE. I should have left in the morning but whatevs. Haha. I might just walk around and get some food, I don't know.
060912: (Tomorrow) I have to wake up at 5am so I can go to a 5K run with Glenn and then if all things go well, I'm suppose to go to Huntington Beach with my two BMT friends that are leaving me soon. Because Gen is leaving on the 12th so, we're trying to see her before she leaves. But she keeps cancelling and bringing it back so we're all confused and we don't know what's going on but after, if we manage to go, I'm going to a church friend's house because it's a movie house night! Yay! I can't wait. :)
It's pretty good so far.
060812: A free day. Woot! I was going to go to the mall but I don't think I will. It's already 1:52pm here. HAHA. I would have to wait for the bus for like, 30-ish minutes and it'll take me an hour and 30 minutes to get there, about three hours to window-shop around, and then wait another 30 minutes to an hour for the bus, another hour and 30 minutes to get home... What time will I get home? UM, REALLY LATE. I should have left in the morning but whatevs. Haha. I might just walk around and get some food, I don't know.
060912: (Tomorrow) I have to wake up at 5am so I can go to a 5K run with Glenn and then if all things go well, I'm suppose to go to Huntington Beach with my two BMT friends that are leaving me soon. Because Gen is leaving on the 12th so, we're trying to see her before she leaves. But she keeps cancelling and bringing it back so we're all confused and we don't know what's going on but after, if we manage to go, I'm going to a church friend's house because it's a movie house night! Yay! I can't wait. :)
It's pretty good so far.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Mi hermana
Yesterday, I had Derp accompany me and my sister to my little brother's school to get his transcript. Also because if ever we get lost looking for his school, at least we're all in good company. I'm just glad that Derp and my sister got along really well (then again my sister grew up with me so she knows how to get along with weird people LOL). She even interrogated him to check if he had any vices, what his course was, if he gets any sleep at all judging by his appearance.When Derp left for Taft my sister turned to me and said:
Sis: He's fine.
Me: You mean he's OK?
Sis: I rate him a 7.5.
Me: Out of 10?
Sis: Yeah. Could've been higher if he's not that into video games. And he looks like he lacks sleep.
Me: LOL.
Hurhurhur for the record she has given him seal of approval,
Awkward Turtle
Btw guise, a Fudgy Wudgee from Moonleaf tea is DA BOMB ON TEH TASTEBUDS
Sis: He's fine.
Me: You mean he's OK?
Sis: I rate him a 7.5.
Me: Out of 10?
Sis: Yeah. Could've been higher if he's not that into video games. And he looks like he lacks sleep.
Me: LOL.
Hurhurhur for the record she has given him seal of approval,
Awkward Turtle
Btw guise, a Fudgy Wudgee from Moonleaf tea is DA BOMB ON TEH TASTEBUDS
Air Force Beauty
(Walking to UC-Riverside, in my Air Force DEP t-shirt)
Me: Lalalalala~
(Three extremely hot Asians in one car yells out)
Passenger-Seat Asian: AIR FORCE BEAUTY!
Back-Seat Asian: 'SUP BEAUTIFUL!
Driver Asian: (honk! honk!)
Me: Lalalalala~
(Three extremely hot Asians in one car yells out)
Passenger-Seat Asian: AIR FORCE BEAUTY!
Back-Seat Asian: 'SUP BEAUTIFUL!
Driver Asian: (honk! honk!)
Cute guy,
Korean guys,
Silly Otter,
Otter; A Missionary?
For a while, I've been contemplating about if I want to go on a mission and be a missionary but at the same time, I still want to chase my Air Force dream but I also want to be a missionary.
I've done so much missionary work already and I'm currently helping people with lessons and stuff. I've helped Joe realize his responsibility in the church, I helped Glenn be more active in the church, my church speech helped a girl realized why she got baptized into our church and decided to be more active in the church again, I helped a girl be more insightful (in a good way) of our church and there are two girls (non-members) who are thinking of getting baptized into our church. It feels really good, so I thought about being a missionary so I can focus on other people but I don't know...
I love the Air Force but the fact that it's taking SO long is pissing me off but I heard from someone that when you're in the military and you served a certain amount of years, you can request to be a missionary and they'll allow you to take the break and do it in return to come back, work for them again and whatnot. So, I'm thinking of doing that.
But just wanted to express what I've been thinking about...
I've done so much missionary work already and I'm currently helping people with lessons and stuff. I've helped Joe realize his responsibility in the church, I helped Glenn be more active in the church, my church speech helped a girl realized why she got baptized into our church and decided to be more active in the church again, I helped a girl be more insightful (in a good way) of our church and there are two girls (non-members) who are thinking of getting baptized into our church. It feels really good, so I thought about being a missionary so I can focus on other people but I don't know...
I love the Air Force but the fact that it's taking SO long is pissing me off but I heard from someone that when you're in the military and you served a certain amount of years, you can request to be a missionary and they'll allow you to take the break and do it in return to come back, work for them again and whatnot. So, I'm thinking of doing that.
But just wanted to express what I've been thinking about...
Better at PT. Yay!
So I had PT today at 8am. I took the bus and I managed to be there early! Finally!
We did another "California Run" which is like a 2~3 mile run. Like always, only guys. Four guys showed up and I was the only girl. We ran with our recruiter but I kind of ended up at the back but I managed to do it and when everyone finished, I came a little later (5-ish minutes later) and my recruiter said to me:
Ssgt: Otter! Did you cut corners?!
Me: No ma'am.
New Kid: No, she didn't. She made it all the way.
Ssgt: Fuck, Otter. I'm proud of you! We usually wait for you for a while but you managed to come and finish minutes after us. I see a big improvement in you! Good job!
So I was happy with myself. :)
Then I went home, walked the dogs, went online, took a shower, had a lesson with the Elders again and then went home and taadaa! I'm here. Haha.
We did another "California Run" which is like a 2~3 mile run. Like always, only guys. Four guys showed up and I was the only girl. We ran with our recruiter but I kind of ended up at the back but I managed to do it and when everyone finished, I came a little later (5-ish minutes later) and my recruiter said to me:
Ssgt: Otter! Did you cut corners?!
Me: No ma'am.
New Kid: No, she didn't. She made it all the way.
Ssgt: Fuck, Otter. I'm proud of you! We usually wait for you for a while but you managed to come and finish minutes after us. I see a big improvement in you! Good job!
So I was happy with myself. :)
Then I went home, walked the dogs, went online, took a shower, had a lesson with the Elders again and then went home and taadaa! I'm here. Haha.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Post-Full Moon
Last night, there was a nice bright full moon in the sky. Odd thing was, I had this urge to consume alcohol. Which is weird because I don't voluntarily drink any alcoholic beverage. On top of that, no basorexia. I slept early, around 10pm to be able to wake up early for my 8am class.
The next day, after my Spanish class, I just wanted to be aloooone. I grabbed breakfast alone and didn't really feel like having any companion, though one of my classmates kept me company because we'll be attending the next class together. I didn't even ask Derp where he was, though he did text me that he was just at the SDA building. I had a two hour break in the morning before my next class and I didn't even want to meet up with him. LIKE WTF HORMONES. I started noticing things that pissed me off even though those were things I don't normally get very pissed off about (e.g. Freshmen not bussing their plates and crap from the cafeteria table, that reader who mailed Inquirer about the article on contraceptives and exposed her ignorance and narrowmindedness on birth control, PNoy not leaving former CJ Corona post-impeachment etc.)
After my crappy religion class, I was very cranky by the time I met up with Derp at SDA plus my energy was quite low for some reason, even with reasonable amount of sleep I had. (I think the full moon coincided with my PMS because HORMONES). Thankfully, Derp was quite patient with me the entire time though I think he felt my wrath. He asked me if the time-frame for withdrawal of subjects was still ongoing and I asked him why. He said he doesn't feel his religion class because of the teacher (in a nutshell, the teacher's not bad, though not that good either and quite the hippie) and he doesn't like the ambience. Like WTF. I told him off that he shouldn't withdraw just because of such trivial things (and it's a minor subject, hello) and that he doesn't really have the luxury of delaying himself for graduation (I also brought up the sarcastic "oh if you think your parents wouldn't mind even after you failed this subject and that subject").
When I grabbed lunch at the school caf, he sat across me. I was like "what are you doing there??" and snapped at him to sit beside me. He even bought me M&Ms to calm my mood. I shared my M&Ms and he shared his homemade chicken sammich. (Yes, SAMMICH.) Weird cheezy moment:
Me: You're crazy.
Derp: Yeah I'm crazy. Crazy about you!
Me: 0_0 Umm.
After his religion class, he accompanied me to the main building and I let him read the book that Sisyphea lent me (Looking For Alaska by John Green) and he was immediately hooked. We just stayed at the library until 6pm. Before I left for class, one of my friends, JB happened to be in the library and we both bear-hugged each other. She was looking for a book that wasn't available in the AKIC library. When we said our good-byes, she suddenly said, "tita! Congrats!" It took me a few seconds to figure out what she was congratulating about: she was happy upon the news that Derp and I were dating. LOLOLOL.
He accompanied me to my classroom for my evening class but oddly nobody was there. Not even the prof. So I assumed our awesome prof was still confined in the hospital (after the excitement of the Corona trial, bless his soul and it turns out class was canceled) so we grabbed dinner at Mashitta together. I've calmed down at that point and was just exhausted. My brain was lagging. We ate while the staff blasted 90's music from their stereo. We just chilled at the table, reading a few chapters of Looking For Alaska together whilst holding hands before commuting for home.
Full moon what you do.
Awkward Turtle
The next day, after my Spanish class, I just wanted to be aloooone. I grabbed breakfast alone and didn't really feel like having any companion, though one of my classmates kept me company because we'll be attending the next class together. I didn't even ask Derp where he was, though he did text me that he was just at the SDA building. I had a two hour break in the morning before my next class and I didn't even want to meet up with him. LIKE WTF HORMONES. I started noticing things that pissed me off even though those were things I don't normally get very pissed off about (e.g. Freshmen not bussing their plates and crap from the cafeteria table, that reader who mailed Inquirer about the article on contraceptives and exposed her ignorance and narrowmindedness on birth control, PNoy not leaving former CJ Corona post-impeachment etc.)
After my crappy religion class, I was very cranky by the time I met up with Derp at SDA plus my energy was quite low for some reason, even with reasonable amount of sleep I had. (I think the full moon coincided with my PMS because HORMONES). Thankfully, Derp was quite patient with me the entire time though I think he felt my wrath. He asked me if the time-frame for withdrawal of subjects was still ongoing and I asked him why. He said he doesn't feel his religion class because of the teacher (in a nutshell, the teacher's not bad, though not that good either and quite the hippie) and he doesn't like the ambience. Like WTF. I told him off that he shouldn't withdraw just because of such trivial things (and it's a minor subject, hello) and that he doesn't really have the luxury of delaying himself for graduation (I also brought up the sarcastic "oh if you think your parents wouldn't mind even after you failed this subject and that subject").
When I grabbed lunch at the school caf, he sat across me. I was like "what are you doing there??" and snapped at him to sit beside me. He even bought me M&Ms to calm my mood. I shared my M&Ms and he shared his homemade chicken sammich. (Yes, SAMMICH.) Weird cheezy moment:
Me: You're crazy.
Derp: Yeah I'm crazy. Crazy about you!
Me: 0_0 Umm.
After his religion class, he accompanied me to the main building and I let him read the book that Sisyphea lent me (Looking For Alaska by John Green) and he was immediately hooked. We just stayed at the library until 6pm. Before I left for class, one of my friends, JB happened to be in the library and we both bear-hugged each other. She was looking for a book that wasn't available in the AKIC library. When we said our good-byes, she suddenly said, "tita! Congrats!" It took me a few seconds to figure out what she was congratulating about: she was happy upon the news that Derp and I were dating. LOLOLOL.
He accompanied me to my classroom for my evening class but oddly nobody was there. Not even the prof. So I assumed our awesome prof was still confined in the hospital (after the excitement of the Corona trial, bless his soul and it turns out class was canceled) so we grabbed dinner at Mashitta together. I've calmed down at that point and was just exhausted. My brain was lagging. We ate while the staff blasted 90's music from their stereo. We just chilled at the table, reading a few chapters of Looking For Alaska together whilst holding hands before commuting for home.
Full moon what you do.
Awkward Turtle
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
So, this is Robert. He's half Samoan, half American. And holy eff, he's gorgeous in real life! <3
Joe, my Samoan friend, is now friends with him and when he talks about him, I always asked who Robert was and he told me that it's this new guy that is transferring his records to our church. (So excited!) Robert has his bachelors degree in "Exercise Science" in a university in Utah. He's very active in the church like his father (ooooh yeeeah) and he's single but all the girls around him have a huge crush on him. He's 24, and hasn't done his mission yet so he's totally off limits for a while. Damn it. But he's trying to get Joe to go to the gym and Joe wants me to come along and prepare myself even more for BMT. And I'm thinking in my head, "If Robert is the trainer, haaaaaaaaaaayl yes."
And when Joe talks about renting a room at Robert's house, Joe immediately says, "NO SIS. YOU CANNOT COME OVER AND SEE ROBERT." even when I didn't say anything! All I ever said was when I finally knew who Robert is was that he was "handsome" which is the truth but I'm not like, "OMG, MARRY ME AND GIVE ME MORMON KIDS!" like the other girls.
But he is gorgeous in real life, especially in his suit and tie. He finally found a job at a MMA gym and he lives not too far from me. Ugh~ I wish I could grab me a man like Rob.
And when Joe talks about renting a room at Robert's house, Joe immediately says, "NO SIS. YOU CANNOT COME OVER AND SEE ROBERT." even when I didn't say anything! All I ever said was when I finally knew who Robert is was that he was "handsome" which is the truth but I'm not like, "OMG, MARRY ME AND GIVE ME MORMON KIDS!" like the other girls.
But he is gorgeous in real life, especially in his suit and tie. He finally found a job at a MMA gym and he lives not too far from me. Ugh~ I wish I could grab me a man like Rob.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Rexter FTW.
Dex: Lesbi-honest, are you having feelings for a female?
McArthur: Otter doesn't count.
Dex: Of course not. We have an exclusive relationship.
Gen: If by female, you mean douchewaffle
Dex: Lol
McArthur: Smh
PS: Rexter = Dex and Otter
McArthur: Otter doesn't count.
Dex: Of course not. We have an exclusive relationship.
Gen: If by female, you mean douchewaffle
Dex: Lol
McArthur: Smh
PS: Rexter = Dex and Otter
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Dilon. Another DEP'r on my squad. Ran with me and motivated me. Gorgeous. He said, "I'm not going to leave you behind!"
UNF <3
Hijacking Otter's blog post to make an official statement upon seeing this fooooine hottie.
Awkward Turtle
Commanders Call,
Cute guy,
Silly Otter,
so cute,
Otter Be Sippin' That Cray Juice.
060112: Glenn and I went to the beach with the San Bernadino ward to the Balboa Pier beach. Well, okay. Not the whole ward but some of them. A lot of people were going to join but they ditched. Even though we had a small group, it was fun because of all the laughs we had. The whether was a little disappointing though because it was cold, gloomy and windy. It was a horrible day to go to the beach but where we live (Riverside) it was hawt as Hell over there! Sigh. But after, we decided to go to one of the girls' boyfriend's house to grill, make s'mores and swim in his pool. But we didn't stay long because it was already 11pm and I had stuff to do in the morning.
060212: So today was the busiest time EVER for me. And I'm not sure why I didn't think about how I scheduled this day. I had a DEP CC but I also remembered that my church had a triathlon called "Tin Man" not only was I volunteering, but I also signed up to participate. PAR-TI-CI-PATE. WTF. WAS I CRAZY?! So, I woke up at 5:30am but I got out of bed at 6am, got ready and went to catch the 6:20am bus. Then I got to RCC (Riverside City College) by 7am, helped out with the swimmers (since that's the first stage of the triathlon) and then I left early because I had to catch the bus to go to my DEP CC.
060212: So today was the busiest time EVER for me. And I'm not sure why I didn't think about how I scheduled this day. I had a DEP CC but I also remembered that my church had a triathlon called "Tin Man" not only was I volunteering, but I also signed up to participate. PAR-TI-CI-PATE. WTF. WAS I CRAZY?! So, I woke up at 5:30am but I got out of bed at 6am, got ready and went to catch the 6:20am bus. Then I got to RCC (Riverside City College) by 7am, helped out with the swimmers (since that's the first stage of the triathlon) and then I left early because I had to catch the bus to go to my DEP CC.
Good-bye May and Hello Rainy Days!
If Godmother likes to take naps when it's sunny, I like taking naps when it's raining. Not the drizzle kind of rain, but the very-windy-going-waterfalls-down-your-windowpane kind. And it's the perfect sopas-and-hot chocolate weather.
Still hoping there will be a day that it will rain so hard that I'll be forced to wear my heart-printed rain boots.
Awkward Turtle
Still hoping there will be a day that it will rain so hard that I'll be forced to wear my heart-printed rain boots.
Awkward Turtle
Friday, June 1, 2012
Whatta Day.
Wuhoooo, just got back from godmother's place a few hours ago before the rains started really pouring. This afternoon, me, Derp, Dork and Charlie went to visit Godmother at her house to bond and just derp around while she let me pick some accessories and stuff that she's been wanting to give away.
We all didn't really do anything except talk, and chill, and just enjoyed each other's weird company.
More details probably by tomorrow or Sunday because I am exhausted and the weather is making me sleepy.
Awkward Turtle
We all didn't really do anything except talk, and chill, and just enjoyed each other's weird company.
More details probably by tomorrow or Sunday because I am exhausted and the weather is making me sleepy.
Awkward Turtle
08/09 USAF BMT. Sigh.
I called my recruiter yesterday morning to talk to her about the situation and she told me that there wasn't anything she can do because no one wanted to swap jobs with me and there were no spots for me for the jobs that I could get because they were all filled. I asked if there was a spot for July and she told me that July is filled and has been filled by people from two~three months ago so she believes that I might get something for August, latest is September.
My Birthday Outfit.
I had an amazing birthday dinner. 10 out of 30 people showed up but they were the 10 people I felt the closest to within my church and I'm happy that I got to celebrate it with them. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and had a blast. Even though Joe ordered a birthday cake, the people that worked there didn't pay attention so when he wanted it to come, they said "What cake?" and then all Hell broke lose from there but he waited until we were outside of the place. I got a cheesecake from them because they made a mistake but I wanted everyone to enjoy it as well. While I got my cake, everyone sang to me. I looked at each and every one of them and I felt super emotional... Watching them sing, smile and laugh made me realize how much I love them, care about them and enjoy their company. They are the reason why I come to church and Institute.
Thank you Joe, Glenn, Scott, Mark, Milo, Allen (<3), Jed, Andi and Emily T. for coming to my little get-together birthday party and spending this night with me. I love you guys very, very much.
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