Sunday, July 8, 2012

DEP CC and Marching.

I met up with my recruiter and my fellow DEP'rs. We made a love package for her (USAF) husband who's deployed in Afghanistan so we sent him some good stuff. Junk food, shaving cream, packaged Gatorade, and someone gave him an iPod shuffle. UM, OUR LIMIT WAS $10, DUDE! Hahahahaha.

Then we got a briefing about the news in the USAF. In Lackland AFB (where our training is held), there has been a lot of investigation happening because there are MTI's who are harassing or sexual harassing people or something like that. Men and women but more on women so they're kicking out MTI's and discharging them from the military and even those who are under suspicion are being discharged so it's serious stuff. After that, we went outside for a test... We had to do our 'reporting statement' and then we all got together and marched. We have two new kids and one of them is Art. We were commanded to do a "change step" but he did a "change step" and a "about phase" AND THEN HORRIBLY CRASHED INTO PEOPLE. It was like a bowling ball crashing into the pins. IT WAS HILARIOUS! XD

After that, we were all briefed on what we're going to do for the next two DEP CC's. So, August 4th is Ultimate Frisbee (I'll bring my own this time) and September 1st, we're running UP Mount Rubidoux (Roo-bee-dough) sigh. Maybe... If I pretend to pass out... Some hunky DEP'r can carry me? HMMMMMM.

Then we were all dismissed. I was going to talk to Sgt. Fears about my right knee but I'll just ask her on Wednesday when I see her.

I'm not sure if I told you about my knee...

Well, I've been feeling this weird discomfort in my right knee. When I do a squat (like I'm going to do a duck walk), I don't feel it but it's when I do a pivot to my right side and put my weight on my right side, then I'll feel it and sometimes, it'll hurt. I don't know if it's something that I have to address or let it go but I feel like I should just to figure out what's wrong. I've asked some of my guy friends who are all into physical body and whatnot and they say that it's either I used my right side too much, or I've strained it or over-used it or I didn't stretch out enough. :(

So, yeah. Meh.

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