Saturday, June 16, 2012

Benji Schwimmer. SYTYCD Winner. Mormon.


I'm not sure who here watches "So You Think You Can Dance" tv show but there's a dancer named Benji Schwimmer. He's a good dancer, he's also a member of my church and he was my friend Glenn's old companion during their mission... On Tuesday, we all get the news that he announced that he was gay. He finally came out after struggling to come to terms that he was gay and he struggled to accept it because he's been a devoted member to our church but ever since he finally accepted it, he left our church and is now "ex-communicated" (that means that he's no longer affiliated with our church)

The way we found out was when Joe, Glenn and I were at Ontario Mills (a mall) eating Panda Express and then we see Glenn on his iPhone, scrolling around and then his expression changed from content to worried and disappointed (?) and then he told us if we knew Benji and Joe knew of him but knew his sister and I know of him because he was on TV but I knew he's from Redlands. So then Glenn told us about it and how they were companions for about six months during their mission (which is a long time) and then told us that Benji came out and announced that he was gay, leaving the church and is now doing whatever. Joe and I were a little surprised that he decided to leave and we thought it was a little harsh.

Later after we ate, Glenn couldn't call him because Benji lost his phone so he just sent him a private message on Twitter. But to know that he left the church and is now ex-communicated left a saddened feeling... I can't imagine leaving my church, I can't imagine the church ex-communicating with me or anything like that... I don't even want to think of that feeling but for Benji to go through that was really sad.

I don't know why he left the church, I mean, is it just because he's gay? I know some Mormon's are hella sketchy with that issue but there are some that understand (Andi and I). A lot of Mormon's think that Andi and I are not Mormons because we support gay rights, gay marriages and have gay friends and best friends but it doesn't make you any less of a devoted disciple of God if you follow His word but, I don't know. I just heard the news and I just thought of telling you guys... I just wish that the situation was so harsh. :(

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