Thursday, January 19, 2012

"I Was Here"

   I've been listening to this song non-stop for three days straight ever since I found the link on someone's Facebook, and it never fails to remind me why I'm doing the things I'm doing- to keep holding on no matter how crappy things go- to remind myself, and why I feel so blessed. This is one of those few songs that remind me why I need to dream big, work hard, do my best, laugh out loud, stay humble, keep living, and enjoy life as it is.

  This song makes me cry because at the same time it reminds me of one of my talented, close friends who committed suicide 2 years ago. Her mere presence and her encouragement gave me the push I needed to develop my confidence in myself and my talent. She's one of those beautiful souls.

 I never thought Beyonce could pull off a song like this. I will attempt to sing this song even if my voice isn't really suited to Beyonce's range. I'm not really out to leave an impression on anybody, even my loved ones, coz what's important to me is that I surround myself with genuine, quality, big-hearted people and to treasure them until the inevitable moment I fade away.

OK, will stop being so emotional right after I listen to this song a few more times. The lyrics are simple but effectively pulls my heartstrings.


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